Childhood indications of a born entrepreneur!

27th June 2015

Successful entrepreneurs show signs of business leadership from an early stage, and this has actually been found on many occasions. But sometimes these signs are so subtle in manner that they are not really taken into consideration and even parents pay hardly any heed to those signs. Those with a business streak in them start exhibiting tell tale signs of leadership in their daily activities in schools or in the playground and assume that leadership role from an early stage. Sometimes unconventional attributes make certain children stand out from the rest of the crowd which signals that entrepreneurial spirit is at work. But instead these attributes bring deep lines of worry on parents’ faces and deviate them from thinking that their children are going the entrepreneurial way. Parents the sooner you realize it the better because spotting the entrepreneurial signs in your kids will help in carving their own paths towards that goal of becoming entrepreneurs. As parents you need to reflect carefully and take note of those vital indications that turned out to be really significant in your case and spotting similar signs in your child might give you a fair idea about their future penchants in the long run. When it comes to entrepreneurs, people nurture preconceived notions about certain common characteristic trait that most entrepreneurs share but that is not always the case. Sometimes it could be the other way round. Entrepreneurs need not always be gregarious and outgoing as public opinion often suggests about them. You were the one who was quiet and reticent who loved to spend more time with your books but always inquisitive about everything around you. But you always did things in your own ways – a little secluded at times and this attribute could be actually advantageous in this digital age and if your child comes across as an introvert not to worry at all. This inquisitive nature sometimes leads them to dabble in diverse things with no special inclination. Apparently things could turn out to be messy a bit but those will get sorted out in the end and this could be the laying of that foundation for entrepreneurship. Leadership skill is one significant trait that is always linked with entrepreneurial attributes. If you remember being always given that leadership role because you had it in you that natural leadership quality and loved to lead others from the front in any group activity and you notice those similar traits in your child with that inherent leading capability then surely it is time for some appreciation. Along with this if your child shows that early sign to get things done on time which you too remember had been one of your strengths then all these indicate the makings of a business leader for whom time management is never an issue. You might also find your child to be skilled at different things and seems pretty sure when to call it quits just like you were then this could be signaling towards multi-tasking and good decision making, qualities which most entrepreneurs possess. All you need to do is teach humility as you simultaneously praise your child’s skills and efforts and encourage those entrepreneurial streaks.

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