Closing your sales – 8 Tips

20th August 2015

1. Closing with the prospect It is a total misconception that you close your sales to the prospect. It is the other way round. It is a team work when you actually close your sales with the prospect and give away feeling that you care for them. The effort put in should emphasize a brighter future for the prospect and would help you win the trust of your prospect and in no way look like that you are actually taking advantage in any way. 2. Logic is a vital ingredient You have to be logical as all your selling activities should end up in a real sale. You simply cannot only provide information related to your product and have a discussion with your customer as it is not mere discussing but selling a product. It is the next logical step and you do not have to be conscious about it since the customer is aware of this. 3. Generate an interest in the buyer Bringing around the prospect towards buying the product is an interesting stage especially when the buyer is just interested in the product. This is a positive indication and turning the prospect into a buyer is a great transition and at this point you need to allow yourself to step aside to ease the buying process. 4. Your ego should not come in the way You must never forget the purpose of your selling that your bread and butter are dependent on your selling. Therefore, your ego does not have any role to play when you are dealing with your customer. Instead ensure that your buyer’s ego swells while you are pitching your product and that too with humility. You are not in to sales to make friends or gain supporters; you are here to simply sell the product. 5.Assert your authority When you are nearing the closing part of your sales you can always ask your prospect to buy the product. When you are selling and performing your job professionally you can always assert your right to sell. There is nothing intimidating about it. All you need to do is prepare for the worst which is that the customer might say “no”. 6. Show your confidence It is important that you remain confident about your product and believe in yourself when you are closing a sale. Your tone, words and body language should convey the message that this product is best suited for them and you need to sound confident which will boost their confidence in turn and facilitate the buying process. Insecurities should not be visible on the selling floor as you will find no place to hide them and this might seriously damage the buying process. So be your confident self. 7.Anticipate sales success Your living depends on the success of your sales and therefore, you can always anticipate the success but it is better not to pin your hopes on them. Expectations boost your confidence level and help you stride forward towards the closing stage of the sales. So with the anticipation, take necessary steps to close the sales successfully. 8. Focus on your closing attitude Your closing attitude matters a lot and you must maintain a positive attitude while you are interacting with a prospective buyer. Whatever negative thoughts might crowd your mind you are not supposed to reveal them in front of your buyer. You must remember that closing your sale is an integral part of the selling process therefore, shed all your fears and close the sale.

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